Global Integrated Business Solutions Inc.

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ItinMail© Special Features

User-friendly interface
Ability to send itineraries with "Quick" keystrokes without switching between programs
Requires only a 10-minute tutorial with a detailed color manual
Ability to store 2000 clients (containing name, company, address, email, fax number) for each "Main Office" directory and "Private" directory
Ability to send internal email
Option to send "High Priority" email with "Quick Send"
Independent Dial-up connection on the email server
Includes options such as fonts, auto-signature, etc...
Auto-route inbound email by specific subjects**
Ability to replace SABRE truncated words. A MUST FOR SABRE CLIENTS
No additional equipment required* 
Handles re-email incase of a system crash
Ability to handle up to 4 independent modem connections at one given time

 Optional Features

"Automatic-Email" to our Support Department for any problems occurring with ItinMail
Option to integrate business logo on every itinerary and general email
Ability to capture the email address from the PNR
Floating Logon allows you to keep your personal settings and private directories each time you logon to a different workstation (CRS)
Ability to "Password Protect" your personal settings
Any additional specialized modifications

*ItinMail comes with an external modem. For larger agencies and specialized installations, additional modems must be purchased.

**the initial setup only includes a maximum of 3 subject. Additional Auto-route subjects can be purchased at anytime. 


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Last modified: May 04, 1999